A gluten-free life
We provide gluten-free products – both ingredients and prepared food alike – for people with coeliac disease. Every day, we bake gluten-free products in our own bakery using quality ingredients, and this commitment is what has made us a market-leading company in Hungary.
Quality is our mission
Our mission is to provide information, recipes, and high-quality, low-price products to our costumers.
We guarantee excellent quality and a wide range of products for the ultimate satisfaction of our costumers.
Our principles
Once you find out that you have...
...coeliac disease, you try to find as much information as you can, and you might feel your world turning upside down because of all the required lifestyle changes. However, there is an important factor that you might forget to consider: that a gluten-free diet is a life-long and, unfortunately, quite strict diet.
You can find out more about the gluten-free diet on our webpage. You can find important information about coeliac disease and the gluten-free diet in our webshop as well.
Our mission is to help people with coeliac disease with advice, information, recipes and food products that meet their dietary requirements at a low price.
We gradually lower the amount of added sugar in our products to help our costumers keep the sugar consumption on the level recommended by international dietary organisations.
Gluten-free means good for weight loss?
Many think that gluten-free products are perfect for facilitating weight loss. However, it is not necessarily true. Still, the effort that people put into becoming fitter is a testimony to a health- conscious lifestyle.
In order to support this, we are looking for the best sweeteners in order to offer delicious products while lowering their sugar content, so people suffering from both diabetes and coeliac disease can also find appetizing bakery products in our webshop and our stores. To promote a healthier lifestyle, we will lower the sugar content of 5 products – that is, 20% of our product range – in one year.
Our social objective:
We aim to help disadvantaged children with coeliac disease have access to gluten-free products and accommodate their dietary requirements, even if their financial situation would not allow it.
About Us
We opened our store targeting people with coeliac disease in 2006.
As is so often the case, personal reasons drove our decision. Back then, the range of products was limited and their availability was also limited, so we decided to open a store offering gluten-free products. You can find a wide array of Hungarian and well-known international brands in our aisles. As gluten-free products are still hard-to-find in smaller towns, we opened our webshop a few years ago to widen the availability of such products.
For many years, fresh bread or pastry made from gluten-free ingredients meant home-made food, which is why we started our bakery in 2009, which is still very popular today. You can experience here the sweet smell of fresh cottage cheese bundles and cocoa rolls (in gluten-free versions, of course).
As there was an ever-growing demand for fresh baked pastries, we had to move from our beloved location and, in 2010, we re-opened in a larger shop while at the same time, we expanded our services as well: in addition to our selection of baked goods, we also make cakes on request.
Termékeink palettáját a lisztérzékeny vásárlóink igényeinek megfelelően, folyamatosan bővítjük: számtalan gluténmentes kenyérpor, süteménypor, tészta, aprósütemény, reggeliző pehely vásárolható üzletünkben, szigorúan gluténmentes igazolással rendelkező forgalmazóktól beszerezve.
Számos termékünk fogyasztható tej- és/vagy tojásérzékenyek, cukorbetegek által is. Ha Ön nem csak gluténérzékeny hanem több allergénre kell figyelnie, a diétaválasztóban megtalálhatja a megfelelő terméket.
Ha lisztérzékenységére most derült fény és csak tapogatózik a gluténmentes termékek kavalkádjában, tanácsadással segítjük az újonnan diétázókat..